Welcome to Humboldt AcupunctureCalifornia licensed acupuncturists, Chelsea Colby and Jeffrey Haloff are here in Humboldt County to provide quality acupuncture and Oriental medicine including Chinese herbs, massage and nutrition. Jeffrey and Chelsea were trained at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine where they received their Master's degrees (MAcOM) in acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Acupuncture is an effective medicine for treating a wide variety of illnesses and maintaining a balanced health. Please visit the below link to see what the National Institute of Health says can be treated by acupuncture: |
Humboldt Acupuncture Wishes You:
Happy New Year of the Wood Snake 2025! Read Jeffrey’s article on the Year of the Snake. Previous Articles Humboldt Veterans Acupuncture Project (HVAP) |
How to Reach Us707.268.8007 (phone) Check back here for new updates. |
LocationsHumboldt Acupuncture is located in the heart of Old Town, Eureka, in the newly refurbished Carson Block Building. |
PricesFirst visit: $120 INSURANCE ACCEPTED To get started, download our |